Things that drive you crazy,
Things that are fun to do,
late nights that keep you awake,
even later nights that you stay awake to think,
early mornings that you want to wake up to,
not knowing the need to sleep,
when imaginations are better than dreams,
that phase where the nights seem impossible to forget,
the hangovers that last days and days together,
isnt that what we all miss some time later,
isnt that what thats forbidden to do,
isnt that what we all want again and again…


इक आधा अधूरा सा, भूला भटका सा, इक खोया अंजाना सा,
इक खाई जिस्से कटना था, उसीसे थोड़ा लगाव हो गया|
चल यार भीड़ में हमे भी खो जाने दे,
ये कुछ नहीं बस हल्का सा एक Emotional Atyachaar है|

लगता है ऐसे कि हम बस ऐसे ही रह गये,
आर पार नज़र भी साफ हमे आते आते रह गये।
लेकिन हमे महसूस हुआ अब, काँच की वो दीवार थी,
हम बस कुरेदते रह गये, ऐसी वो दीवार थी।

हम भूले से ना रहे, ऐसी कोई स्वार्थ नहीं,
तूने हमे तो भुला दिया, कोशिश करने दे, अब है हमारी बारी।
चल यार भीड़ में हमे भी खो जाने दे,
ये कुछ नहीं बस हल्का सा एक Emotional Atyachaar है|

Its a sinking feeling,
A feeling of being pulled deeper into the sea,
the whirlpool of water dragging me with all its might,
The blues of the water forming a circle around me,
the neck hanging loosely, like it doesn’t belong to me,
i shut my eyes amidst all the confusion,
i let the whirlpool override me,
the feeling of weightlessness, slowly sinking in me,
i know i can win over, the water will let me free,
i open my eyes, with a smile, the best feeling,
there I go, floating on the waters,
peaceful in the calm of a mid-sea…

Perceptions of flickering thoughts,
wandering act watched through the blinds!
Where is this coming from?
Unknown it remains, is it right or is it wrong?

Colorful thoughts flooding afew
scent of some desire,
like the night flowering jasmine,
dew tucked petals white and clean!

Dreams so wild, that my mind knows no bounds,
My craving unbound, and I feel the need to be tied,
There is a need that keeps me going, a need to be close,
A need to be held, a need to be there, a need to lend a hand,
A need to caress the senses, a need to touch my heart,
Is that an untamed feeling or is it just my dreamy side…

The closer you get, I can feel the numbness,
the faster you take a step, the slower gets each second,
Time freezes there like the perfect frame,
Each second that takes me to a land so unknown,
I wish for you to stay, right there by my side,
Giving me the shoulder that I craved for,
The most to call my own, the love I have always wanted,
I want you to stay, and be there by my side,
I want the dream to last, and be there to be real…
And the reel stops rolling, back to the world so real…

Been a long time that I have logged in to write something. Sometimes there is so much time and you just dont want to do a thing. The other times, there is just no time and you have so many things to do.

Well, for a long time I had so much time, but I definitely didnt want to sit up here writing, for one thing, I am not expected to be sitting in front of this new generation portable knowledge box. Working from home was a luxury that I thought was boring, untill… 🙂

Yeah untill I decided I needed a new job. And here I am. In a no-man’s land, wondering every minute about what I am actually doing here. I dont know how important my work is going to be, to this place.

You know, sometimes you have this thing running in your mind, is this the place that I need to be at? I asked this the first few days when I joined here. Now I am wondering, if I am the kind of person the company needed here?!

Anyways, been a month and I have finally got on my toes, but still jogging through. I definitely will have the time to write, like a diary, infact Everday, If i really want to ;). Strange that I had almost forgotten about this blog, untill a dear colleague had taken up some topic related to writing blogs.  Its all a matter of time anyways. I think I need to get back to this :). Oh and one day I wish to write a novel. Still plotting. Will probably make drafs right here! (Most of the other sites are blocked out here – FIREWALLED) 

Wishing myself Luck.

सुर्खियों में हमें मत डालो, सुर्खियों से डर लगता है
बस रेत में बारिश के बूंदों की तरह हमको पिघल जाने दो|
कोलाहल के बीच धँसा जो अमन है,
एक टुकड़ा छोटा सा उसका हमें दे दो|
घने अंधेरे के चादर में चमकता जैसे जुगनू है,
उसके चमक का एक हिस्सा तो थोड़ा हमें दे दो|

कोई कुछ भी करे, कोई कुछ भी कहें,
जाए भाड़ में दुनिया,
भाड़ में जाए दुनिया वालें,
अब तक ये सिर्फ तेरी विचार धारा थी|
अब कभी हमसे भी टकरा के देखना
हमें अब तेरी क्या, किसी और की भी परवाह नहीं|

एक बेअसर शून्य बना रहू,
ये हमें मंज़ूर नहीं|
ऐसे तेज़ निकल जाना है,
कभी तुम हमें देखो,
तो आँखें मसलते रहना,
क्यूंकी तुम्हें भी हम पर विश्वास नहीं|

We are mountains,
we are mountains of our own conduct,
in pursuit of our own rampant,
self restrained time of detesting upstart.

Words running through all along,
a paint that colored but not so strong,
they will play their untoward plot,
yet music it was sweet at some spot.

Mortals we, all seek a share of the sun,
but its the mountains in us masking the sun,
its the mountains in us burnt and toppled on our own,
perished and crushed us of what we had sown.

Witness to a gloomy vast,
the scepter of mortals in us
must have contemplated manifold!
At the slightest pretext
of a melancholy gloom,
oft an unseen fateful doom!
How an assorted embellishment
of vigor loses its sheen;
of a melancholy gloom so unseen.

There as she leaves,
a string of memories holds us back;
we will meet again, uncertain when!
Yes there is a void created within.
A bonding of love,
a bonding of care,
a bonding long cherished,
as therein lies, how much all loved her back.

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