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Starting afresh, it was looking bright
pun and fun getting alight,
another of the specials, amongst the commoner
glee’s and chuckles to be heard ever.

Now its but unspoken words,
left as they were, some precious verse!
Search for the perfect time;
oh! ’twas stolen by others in the game.

Other attachments, seeing more merrier,
got to be closing this sad chapter.
Broken bones he better stay with,
than mend a broken heart again sulking beneath!

This is a next to Callous Broodings.

Running on the same track, in circles,
in search of an end,
all i see is the white lines on the track,
that doesnt ever lets me know there is infact no end,
Whoever said we had to be on the same track always,
was so wrong,
Now I know, when I turn back around,
I am the only one running the race,
the race of love,
the race that you decided to leave behind,
to enter on the track called life,
A life that always seems easy to talk about,
but its when you run the race,
bare footed,
on a track with rose petals and thorns,
the petals that help to ease for a moment of happiness,
the very next step that hits your so hard,
that the tear that the happiness brought,
comes out as a painful sadness..
Whoever said it was wrong,
to move out of the track…

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September 2009

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